Ji Young Sung (Jinny)

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

Jinny Sung is a service designer. Prior to RCA, she worked at LG electronics as UX researcher and marketing manager. Various work experience helps her solve and moderate numerous challenges around different sectors and departments within the company. This background led her a further step by studying service design at the RCA. The programme broden her insight of innovation and design as collaborative work.

Final Project

The market Funsize is a service designed to challenge people's differing perceptions regarding sustainable lifestyles. 

Although an environmentally sustainable future cannot be achieved without the effort of every individual on Earth, still many people think being sustainable is a type of lifestyle only for those who can afford expensive options when choosing items such as foods or clothes which are produced in organic ways. 

Therefore this project aims to change the public conception of a sustainable lifestyle and encourage people to participate in an environmentally sustainable way of living.

WIP project 2022

adidas NEXT is an innovative learning service that allows consumers to renew their product's life by transforming it themselves. It supports conscious consumers with pathways and means to extend the use and life of their products. Unlike existing services around repair and upcycling in the fashion industry, adidas NEXT provides capabilities and learning tools to the user - making them protagonists than mere spectators.


Market Funsize