Anchit Som

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

Born and raised in Delhi, India. I find Design to be a way of exploring a common yet diverse humanity. Solving user problems, creating systems, processes and experiences is a meaning-making activity, both for myself and the stakeholders of my practice.

I have worked as a Product Manager and Design Researcher at various companies in India & Hong Kong. My projects include - designing safety systems for manufacturing factories, researching digital literacy in urban villages, and creating solutions for food waste in multi-person households.

Having completed an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Business Design Innovation at the University of Hong Kong, I work at the intersection of business, design, and engineering to create more than human-centered solutions for the most pressing issues our populations face.


Featured in theHarvard Business Review

Received the Jury Prize by MIT Innovation HK

Finalist of theTerra Carta Design Lab

Final Project

The UK has set a net zero target for 2050. This includes all companies and SMEs, which make 99.9% of all businesses here. However, more than three quarters of UK based SMEs don’t have a credible plan in place to reduce their carbon footprint.

Bijli is a service that helps small-medium enterprises decarbonise their operations through the model of Energy Efficiency as a Service (EEaaS) by driving ownership and reducing risks and upfront costs.

WIP project 2022

Conversation as a Practice is a framework that has been implemented into a pilot programme created by Catch22 that aims to reduce the number of individuals being recalled back to custody due to non-compliance with their license conditions. It enables probation staff to build positive perceptions around probation services among prison leavers as they are beginning their probation period, as well as equipping them with the skills to create more meaningful relationships with People on Probation. Based upon 10 weeks of research and working closely with prison leavers and probation staff, we have designed this framework to help facilitate meaningful dialogues through active listening and care.

As companies race to reach their net-zero targets and meet regulatory requirements, they find it hard to track and reduce emissions in their largest source - supply chains. inC2 enables tracking of supplier emissions through its innovative blockchain network that provides robust security and privacy to both customers and their suppliers. Instead of spending on external offset programs, companies can directly invest in the sustainability efforts of suppliers with inC2's carbon pricing mechanism and evidence-based funding plan. inC2 provides dynamic sustainability ratings linked to real-time supply chain data, helping procurement teams source sustainably with reliable and auditable certificates. 


inC2 Tackling Hidden Supply Chain Emissions

Our project inC2 is a B2B service that enables large companies to decarbonize their supply chains through supplier engagement and incentive models. Over the past 6 months, the project has helped us further our knowledge about the role of businesses in the face of the climate crisis.

By reducing supply chain emissions, businesses will be able to build more resilient supplier networks and won’t have to pay for costly carbon offsets ever again. We believe that our product has the potential to remove over 11 megatonnes of carbon emissions from the atmosphere per year.

We are currently working on building its Minimum Viable Product and are taking it forward as our thesis project with an interested partner organization. If you’re a mid-large size company with a net-zero target or an interest in understanding your supply chain emissions, please reach out to me on the profile above.

We’d also love to hear from industry groups & collectives that are looking to lead sector-wide decarbonization effort and build resilient supply chains.