Yalena Yang Sun

Final Show: 3rd - 4th February 2023
MA 2023

I'm a business innovator - business and design make up the magic potion for my work. After 3 years in strategy consulting, I took a leap to join the RCA for more innovation and creativity.

It's been a wild ride - building a venture incubated by Accenture Song now, winning the RCA Grand Challenge 2022, the Entrepreneurial Journey 2022 Grand Challenge with Imperial College London, and being a finalist in the Autonomous Vehicle Cleaning Design Challenge with BP, I've realised how much I'm passionate about my new identity as an innovator.

Another secret ingredient of my career is exploration. I’m a true global citizen with 13 years (and counting) of international experience spanning 7 countries. I’ve also explored technology incubator, law firm, impact consulting non-profit, global financial institution, early deep-tech startup and more.

Now the next adventure awaits. I'm dedicated to work at the intersection of business and design and use this powerful combination to bring futuristic innovations to life.

Select innovation projects:

- Consumer Product Sustainability: imagine the future of sustainable sexual pleasure, building the venture now under incubation by Accenture Song

- Ocean Sustainability: RCA Grand Challenge 2022 Final Winner

- Social Deep-tech Venture Building: Imperial College Entrepreneurial Journey 2022 Grand Challenge Prize Winner

- Autonomous Vehicle Future Cleaning: RCA x BP Sparkling Challenge Finalist

- Clean Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS): graduation project building a community-based EaaS venture

- Sustainable Mobility Business Design: for Brompton Future Product Research team, recommendations in implementation

- Carbon Zero Research: independent research paper on China’s Climate Strategy, available upon request

- Social Entrepreneurship Research: researcher for Aspect by Research England

If you’re interested to learn more about my projects / want to connect, don’t hesitate to say hi at :)

Final Project

Disrupting traditional norms and regulations, WeBility is a transformative service that harnesses the cheaper community solar electricity to deliver affordable local services. Our innovative local hubs, meticulously designed to cater to local community needs, become epicentres of electric mobility and various community services. WeBility democratises solar energy, the cheapest source of electricity, for everyone - irrespective of income bracket or housing situation. WeBility redefines energy accessibility, driving a sustainable future for all.

WIP project 2022

Our brand name is under a strict confidentiality agreement, thus we will use ‘Sustainable Pleasures’ below to represent our company. 

Our project is under a strict confidentiality agreement with Accenture Song who wishes to push our designs from conception to company. As a result of this partnership, the brand name, concepts, designs, prototypes, research and development, business plans, marketing strategies, and other proprietary information cannot be shared in the WIP Show 2023. 

Our service and product designs, which focus on the design and development of a new type of sex toy, have expanded the notion of sexual pleasure beyond traditional norms globally. The design of [NDA – brand name] revolutionizes the way we (society) think about sex toys, sexual pleasure, and communication around sex.