Fumito Kawai

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

I’m Fumito Kawai, a passionate Japanese Strategic & Service Designer interested in building environments and human-centered futures. Contributed to a mobility company over the last 9 years as an accounting & financial supervisor. I'm keen to co-create new value & meaning in professional teams with my hybrid expertise in between Design and Finance.

Final Project

MicroGallery is a matching-service between fine artworks and small public spaces. This micro-gallery enables the general public to enjoy the benefit of art as well as making art circulate from artists’ studios to a variety of public spaces.

WIP project 2022

For better-disciplined purchasing behaviour and to actually see the environmental impact of our consumption, Adidas INFINITY is a data visualization wardrobe service that directly supports manageable fashion consumption and brings joy through gamification.

While our customers can better manage their overconsumption, their avatars in our service enjoy more digital fashions, which also accelerates their personal well-being and a better understanding of the environment through Adidas’s existing assets such as sports engagement, brick-and-mortar stores and their market power.



As human-centered service designers in the master class at the Royal College of Art, we are committed to regenerating the platform of the art industry to create a more solid, sustainable, and hopeful artist pathway. Our goal is to convey the value of creativity from the art studio to the public by translating artist creativity into another language such as healthcare, sports, and business, resulting in pushing the boundaries of the art industry.