Disha Mittal

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

Hi! I’m Disha, a service designer with a background in product and systems design. 

Forever inspired by meaningful services that are holistic, i.e. planet and human centred, I love to work at the crossroads of different design disciplines.

In the last few years I have worked on a breadth of projects centred around environmental sustainability, social innovation, meaningful user experiences, business strategies and design research.

As the climate crisis calls for urgency in our actions and behaviour, it is an exciting time for businesses to rethink business models and challenge what we call business as usual.

Through my practice, I wish to continue exploring the intersections of and expanding the boundaries of service design, sustainability and human-centred design.

Final Project

The UK has set a net zero target for 2050. This includes all companies and SMEs, which make 99.9% of all businesses here. However, more than three quarters of UK based SMEs don’t have a credible plan in place to reduce their carbon footprint.

Bijli is a service that helps small-medium enterprises decarbonise their operations through the model of Energy Efficiency as a Service (EEaaS) by driving ownership and reducing risks and upfront costs.

WIP project 2022

This project aimed at enabling an efficient transition to a future dominated by electric vehicles. We sought to understand different systems to uncover barriers that make it difficult for the UK to be prepared for EVs taking over the streets. Our problem focus was to understand how local authorities and councils are involved in the delivery of EV Charging infrastructure and the difficulties they face in doing so. The service proposition that the project culminated in was a platform to enable cross-council communication and sharing of best practices.

As companies race to reach their net-zero targets and meet regulatory requirements, they find it hard to track and reduce emissions in their largest source - supply chains. inC2 enables tracking of supplier emissions through its innovative blockchain network that provides robust security and privacy to both customers and their suppliers. Instead of spending on external offset programs, companies can directly invest in the sustainability efforts of suppliers with inC2's carbon pricing mechanism and evidence-based funding plan. inC2 provides dynamic sustainability ratings linked to real-time supply chain data, helping procurement teams source sustainably with reliable and auditable certificates. 



Our project inC2 is a B2B service that enables large companies to decarbonize their supply chains through supplier engagement and incentive models. Over the past 6 months, the project has helped us further our knowledge about the role of businesses in the face of the climate crisis. 

By reducing supply chain emissions, businesses will be able to build more resilient supplier networks and won’t have to pay for costly carbon offsets ever again. We believe that our product has the potential to remove over 11 megatonnes of carbon emissions from the atmosphere per year.

We are currently working on building its Minimum Viable Product and are taking it forward as our thesis project with an interested partner organization. If you’re a mid-large size company with a net-zero target or an interest in understanding your supply chain emissions, please reach out to me on the profile above. 

We’d also love to hear from industry groups & collectives that are looking to lead sector-wide decarbonization effort and build resilient supply chains.