Arif Yusop

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

Arif Yusop is a lifelong learner, in a constant state of learning, unlearning & re-learning, appreciating the entangled underlying structures of problems via design projects and challenges of our degrading planet.

  • Current learning: Ontological Design, Service Design, Web 3, 16X, Medium design, Regenerative Design, strategic reframing, foresight, systems thinking, ECO-SD, David Orr’s Slow Knowledge
  • Current unlearning: Agile, Short term fix, instant innovation
  • Current re-learning: communication design, narrative, and storytelling, Design Ops

Arif studied Computer Science majoring in Multimedia at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. After a few years working as a designer, he pursued and completed his undergraduate degree in Digital Graphic Design at the Universiti Selangor with first-class honours. Arif has also studied MDes Communication Design at The Glasgow School of Art. For the first half period of his career, he has focused mainly on visual communication, art direction, and brand strategy, and gradually moved into a blend of UX with structuring system of FnB Point-of-Sales system, payment gateway structure integration, school administration system, theme park ticketing system, to National Bank know-your-customer policy audit.

Final Project

Sferå, which stands for Service Futures: empowering reflective action

is a sphere of service design shared learning and reflection towards a regenerative future.

The main objective of learning in the Sfera hub is to build capacity that we call Symbiosense, which is structural awareness, foresight methods, and systems thinking that connect to the relationship between humans and the ecological environment: Sensemaking capacity that is grounded in the symbiotic relationship between living things within the biosphere.

WIP project 2022

Sferå, which stands for Service Futures: empowering reflective action

is a sphere of shared learning and reflective action that incorporates play to shift the language of decarbonization and climate narratives in the converging crisis. 

Sferå empowers Service Designers to understand, commit and enable impactful decarbonization amidst the converging crisis by knowing the facts, avoiding greenwash, and collectively committing to reflective actions through its learning hub, toolkit resources, workshops, and podcasts.