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Embark on the journey of contemplation

MA 22/23
narrative, magazine, journey, collective, pluriverse

Polaris is a travel magazine and artist collective based in Japan and the UK with the theme of "the journey of contemplation". We currently sell our magazine in over 40 bookstores in both countries.

The journey of contemplation not only makes you move physically but also spiritually through the act of travelling. It is a journey that takes you out of the tiny world that surrounds you now and lets you experience the world with your whole body.

We do not focus on popular scenic spots, tourist attractions, or Instagram-worthy sites. We are compiling ordinary people’s narratives all over the world to acquire different interpretations of the world to contemplate their life.

Through the journey, you come into contact with the "life" of different people, encounter new values, and find your own way of life. What we would like to propose is travelling as a means to continually broaden one's horizons. Our interpretation of the journey is a catalyst to acquire different perspectives between people and the world to enrich the meaning of people's life.

This project will be more than just a magazine, become a platform for people to make their personal narratives. Polaris works as a catalyst for people to embark on a "journey of contemplation" as their personal narratives resonate and create different perspectives on the world.

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This picture is of a beautiful island in Japan. My dream since childhood. It was to become a novelist and write stories while journeying around the world.

I was born in Tokyo, Japan. For us Japanese, the word " journey" has more of a special meaning compared to people from other countries.

Japan is an island in the Far East. Japan has developed its own culture and language. For the Japanese, the act of " journeying" is almost like "crossing a border" in terms of geography, language, and culture.


I launched this project called "polaris" in the fall of 2019. I have been asking through our project: "how might we activate people's ordinary narratives to acquire different interpretations of the world to contemplate their life?"

The origin of “Narrative” started in the field of clinical psychology. When people struggle with an issue in their mind, they can externalize problems to share with caregivers by articulating themselves. The narrative is a means by which people interpret phenomena. Moreover, people try to understand the meaning of themselves and their lives by creating their own narratives.

The narrative has a contrast compared with a story. The story is a guide that takes people to a particular action. The story usually has direction and concreteness.

However, the narrative is the act that people articulate about themselves. The narrative is like people’s own lens and and way of interpreting about the world. They are sometimes very vague.



Through our magazine production activities, we have been asking how we can activate the potential of people's ordinary narratives.

The unexplored lands inhabited by ethnic minorities in China, the ancient ruins of Cambodia, and a prison music label in London. Through the collection of fragmented narratives, how can people obtain a different interpretation of this world?

Immersion, reinterpretation, resonance. A life different from my own, run by people different from me. Fragmented and ordinary. It is a catalyst for contemplating one's own life.

Our magazine is now in over 40 bookstores in the UK and Japan.


We will publish our new magazine in the summer of 2023. And not just a magazine, but a platform for people around the world to express their narratives.

We will create a platform with the theme of "journey of contemplation" that will create a different perception of the world, not only for the readers but also for the contributors.


【Production Cooporation】

Art Director : Mizuki Yamakawa

Co-Founder & Photographer: Cala Del Rio

Service Designer & Supporter: Tegan Mills, Morgan Thweatt and Tomas Oliveros

Event Organiser & Supporter: Santiago Garcia

Co-Founder & Photographer: Yuta Saiki

Co-Founder & Illustrator: Mi Wang

UX Designer: Ji Wang

Writer: Alex Kidd

Writer & Researcher: Yohei Nuruki

Researcher: Naoto Mori

Editorial Designer: Kosuke Takeuchi and Mari Shimizu

Mentor: Judah Armani


Kezang Dorji: Bhutanese Rapper

C.Roots: Rapper & Organizer from InHouse Records

THE BIG ISSUE: British Street News Paper

Takashi Kuribayashi: Contemporary Artist

Sebastian Wells and Vsevolod Kazarin: Editor form Ukrainian Magazine "soлomiya"

I would like to thank my family, partner, friends, and all those who have supported me.

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