Zilin Yuan

Final Show: 3rd - 4th February 2023
MA 2023

Zilin Yuan is a student who is passionate about designing for sustainability, accessibility, and affordability. With an industrial design background, she thinks service design is a compassionate discipline that is design-based and human-centred. Design can overcome deficiencies in industrial design since it is oriented toward user experience improvement and sets its eye on the whole.

She has worked on four projects during her two years of study at RCA and interacted with individuals from different backgrounds, including garment workers, the homeless, and caregivers. Each person carries their own unique story, which can be painful, sad, or joyful. Through empathy and understanding of the entire system and all touchpoints within the user journey, she tried to create and optimise holistic processes that satisfy human needs and emotions.

Current Degree: Service Design, Royal College of the Art, 2021-2023

Previous Degree: Industrial Design, California College of the Arts, 2017-2021

Final Project

ComPASS aimed to support carers of autistic children throughout the assessment journey by building a comprehensive support platform that empowers carers, schools, and health services to collaborate effectively and support children with special needs. It enhances support by providing the value of navigation, communication, and synchronisation.

WIP project 2022

In this project, we identified people's concerns about climate change, especially for the younger generation, who will have to live with the long-term effects of our present actions or inaction, which can be recognised as climate anxiety. It can create barriers to engage in climate action, as people feel overwhelmed with negativity and struggle to enact real change.

So 432 Habitat was created. A digital audio service with climate healing and real actions, which encourage Gen Z & Gen Alpha (who have to co-exist with climate anxiety for decades) to value and treat climate anxiety. Thus, helping people beyond paralysis and into action.