Yue Liang

MA 22/23

Hello everyone, I'm Yue Liang, a service designer and visual designer.

I have previous experience in the marketing and advertising industry, as well as internships in the field of Internet product management. I have also worked as a full-time graphic designer in the gaming industry. However, my experience at the Royal College of Art (RCA) has been a transformative journey for me. The inclusive and open learning environment at RCA has exposed me to a different approach to learning and has fostered a more tolerant and open-minded attitude towards things. This experience at RCA has been a pivotal moment in my life, bringing about significant personal growth. Learning the importance of teamwork has been a vital skill acquired during my studies in service design at RCA.

In the future, I aspire to dedicate myself to addressing social issues, and I believe that RCA is the beginning of an exciting, diverse, and inclusive path for me. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me.

Final Project

We focused on the issue of helping homeless individuals with pets reintegrate into society. Through extensive research and interviews, we shattered the stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding homelessness, realizing that they are often victims, facing innocent attacks and frequent theft. Homeless individuals with pets face even greater challenges, as society often fails to understand and accept their bond with their animals. Consequently, they receive less assistance than their non-pet-owning counterparts, and caring for their pets adds a financial burden. Despite their circumstances, these individuals possess a strong sense of responsibility and are willing to reintegrate into society with their pets, but opportunities are scarce.

WIP project 2022