Sarah Riley

MA 22/23

Sarah is a passionate professional working creatively to solve complex problems. Her approach sits at the intersection of user centered design (high empathy) and business strategy (understanding of viability and feasibility). She bring deep experience and perspective from both disciplines-

currently a Service Design masters student at the Royal College of Art (London). Prior to RCA, she was an Engagement Manager in Accenture’s consulting practice. She brings a background in:

- Service Design

- Innovation Strategy

- Product Design

- Project Management

- Workshop Facilitation

- Stakeholder Engagement

- Change & Communication Strategy

- Business Process Design

- Organizational Readiness/Maturity Assessments 

Final Project

Our project is aimed to envision the future of retirement to reconstruct pensions, grounding our design in the attitudes, behaviors, and needs of our younger generations (focus on Gen Z). Our focus on Gen Z is as an example “extreme” user or sharp divergence from the behavior of past generations. However, our solution should ultimately suit all “non-traditional workers.”

We imagine a world where people may confidently take ownership of their savings and saving benefits can be delivered flexibly.

WIP project 2022