Huang Jie

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

I am a problem solver with design thinking mindset and a maker interested in realising visionary and missionary ideas that could have positive impact on mankind through the lens of innovation and technology.

I work for my fashion tech startup for 4 years. Due to watched an anime called " Hikaru no Go", which is about an “ancient spirit” guiding and passing on wisdom to the next generation, to me that is the answer to the question of - what we can leave behind for the world when we die. So, I decide to jump into education field in leading a pioneer education project, called "HSBC future skill development project", in Hong Kong under the largest Youth serving NGO (The Hong Kong Federation of youth groups) for 2 years.

Now, my mission is to preserve human wisdom with technology and to find the way to spread knowledge on a large scale which can equip our next generation with future skills and design thinking. My vision is that next generation can have higher capability to choose the way they live.

Final Project

An online learning platform designed to offer an episodic learning journey to awakening children's creativity through the lens of creative role models.

WIP project 2022

4-GP is a service formed by four guideline packages which focus on presenting possible improvements to be applied to the existing probation system structure to reduce recalls for offenders. The main focus is on the communication gap identified through extended qualitative research with the assistance of Catch22 studio, Probation Practitioners (PP), and People on Probation (POPs).


Future Skill + Learning Expereince

“By 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labour between humans and machines” - According to future of job report mentioned in world economic forum. To avoid being replace by machines, the report urges people should equip future skills. My final year project aims to explore the intersection of future skills and HK cultural context in the form of learning. Finally to deliver a new learning experience to the youth in HK which can foster the youth’s curiosity and help them equip future skills.