Hancong Liu (Claire)

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

I have spent the last seven years developing my design skills, and have gained relevant experience in health care, automobile, disinfection industry and city planning. I see myself as a relentless problem-solver, and always passionate about improving people's lives through design.

I believe "Equity" Happiness" "Safety" "Inclusive" "Ethical" are the foundation to create sustainable solutions and optimal experiences. Although nobody is precisely average, but a good design could be usable for as many people as possible. 

Final Project

WIP project 2022

This project aimed at enabling an efficient transition to a future dominated by electric vehicles. We sought to understand different systems to uncover barriers that make it difficult for the UK to be prepared for EVs taking over the streets. Our problem focus was to understand how local authorities and councils are involved in the delivery of EV Charging infrastructure and the difficulties they face in doing so. The service proposition that the project culminated in was a platform to enable cross-council communication and sharing of best practices.


Relationship+financial issue

How can we help people be cognitively and psychologically prepared before marriage so as to build a more robuster relationship after marriage?

In our initial research we found that finances are where the mistrust and issues can surface. People lack knowledge of marital financial management before marriage, which leads to tensions and even break-ups after marriage. Money issues are so troublesome, they have become one of the third leading causes of divorce.

Our aim

Provoke people to get clear understanding of marriage before they actually do it

Get people prepare for marriage both legally and mentally

Build resilience to people when they encounter conflict in marriage

We are looking for partners who can support us to explore relationship and financial issues in depth, test usability and design an optimized experience for users. If you are interested in this topic and hope to be involved in RCA service design project, please feel free to contact us!