Debby Hsiao

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

I am a multidisciplinary designer specialising in Service Design and Spatial Design. Before joining RCA, I did a BSc in Interior Design at the University in Taipei, Taiwan. After coming here, I have a renewed sense of my social responsibility as a designer. I believe design has been perceived as a means to solve problems – to create solutions, and in various possible forms- a space, a conversation, a product, a system, a model, an experience, etc. With a sharing mission of bringing people together to address difficulties and bridge gaps for a better world.

My skills are in a form of an act of care towards people and the planet, concerned with the needs or unique value of the individual, and by extension, the needs and value of communities. Through creative exploration, design experimentations, sociology and integration of new disciplines, my work aims to create disruptive experiences and make a positive impact in society where Design is a way I can devote my passion.

Final Project

WIP project 2022

Vision is an end-to-end service that helps people effectively manage their savings and start making early investments to build a financially sustainable future. It provides users with the necessary tools and information while facilitating an aided behavioural change to make better financial decisions.


Facing the Commodities Supercycle

The green transition may create an increasing demand for the alternative commodities used, resulting in a commodities supercycle. “Supercycles happen when there’s an important structural change in the demand for some types of commodities. The transformation towards green, more sustainable energy might generate that”. As a team, Nini Lin, Swathi Muralidharan and I are exploring this problem to identify opportunities to help businesses face this supercycle, in order to minimize the impacts of the inflation it might cause. 

We would love to have a chat, if you are looking forward to working with us in exploring this topic, or just have a discussion.