Jonathan Hadlow

6 June 2022 - 12 June 2022
MA 2022

Hi, my name is Jono. I am a Service Designer and Illustrator from the UK. I love solving problems and there is no shortage of them in our world today. Service Design offers a framework to understand these problems and find solutions that impact users, systems, and processes. Yes, we develop great ideas with a holistic approach, however more importantly, we take the time to ensure we are solving for the right problem through our active engagement with stakeholders across a service’s ecosystem. 

I joined the Service Design program because I wanted to move beyond ‘what’ was being designed and instead understand ‘how’ it was going to be implemented with real people and within complex systems. Through this course I have come to better understand the value of the process by which problems are identified, ideas formed and refine, prototyped and delivered. I have developed a deep desire to continue to apply human-centred design principles within organisations, enabling them to navigate complexity, drive innovation and create value. I have enjoyed applying both design thinking tools and my background in visual communication in my various projects, collaborating with partners such as Ernst & Young, Bulb Energy, Boston Consulting Group and Fuzzy Studio.

I am originally from South Africa, immigrating to the UK to live in Canterbury, Kent. I have always been a visual thinker and communicator, starting at age 4 when I would make my own bird book with over 150 different illustrated species. Before the Royal College of Arts, I trained in Visual Communications at UCA, Illustration at Norwich University of Arts and then Law at BPP. I am currently working as a Design Consultant for a leading art law firm in London. 

Final Project

The School of New Ideas is a personalised support service for young autistic individuals. It aims to equip individuals with the confidence to navigate the transitions into adulthood, build connections with peers, and aspire to live impactful lives in a diverse society. Our series of pathways centre around individuals' interests, whilst guiding them towards understanding themselves and setting future goals in a safe non-judgemental environment.

The pathways offer both interactive group work and individual mentoring sessions. Our Autism passport sits alongside the pathways, enabling individuals to track their progress and share valuable information with friends, family and employers.

WIP project 2022

Bulb asked us to prepare and create a template for massive change of how we heat our homes to embrace heat pump technology and achieve a truly zero-carbon objective.

Why is this so important?

This project aims to improve consumer engagement and tackle low public awareness of heat as a priority area for climate action and of alternative low-carbon heating technologies.

Decarbonising heat is recognised as perhaps the greatest challenge to achieving the UK net-zero target. Heating in residential, commercial and industrial settings makes up almost half of final energy consumption in the UK, more than the energy consumed for electricity and transport. Much of this energy is lost through poorly insulated buildings.

Socialising is an important factor affecting the financial situation of emerging adults, both in real life and virtually on social media, and the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) mentality often leads them to overspend and thus always struggle to balance their social life and personal financial management.

To help emerging adults cope with the financial pressures of FOMO, we have developed Beacome, a goal-based (set-plan-approach-achieve) peer support community. The strategy of Beacome is to counteract negative FOMO by creating positive FOMO.

Beacome combines a service framework with specific behaviour change models and a peer support model, which will not only help to achieve short-term goals, but also help young people to develop better consumption habits and make better decisions in the long term. 


On The Spectrum

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. One in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. Autism is different for everyone. Autism is a spectrum. This means that everybody with autism is different. We have chosen to focus on those with 'High Functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder' (HFASD) sometimes called Aspergers. 

Early insights gathered from focus groups and contextual interviews show a big drop-off of services available as children become adults. Especially for those not visibly impaired. Parents are struggling just as much as kids with services falling short or being unavailable all together. Many turn to online groups to find comfort, share stories and seek advice. For those who have not got a formal diagnosis the struggles are even more pronounced. With some parents saying they have waited 4 years only to be told they had to wait another year to find out the results. This leaves teenagers who struggle to make small decisions having to make major life choices without support from family or public services. Many parents just do not know what to do and feel unequipped to help their child navigate the complexities of being a neurodiverse in a neurotypical world.